Heaviest Weighted Blanket [We Tested 117] — 2025 Update

by bedding, blankets

What is the heaviest weighted blanket?

That’s a simple question that deserves more attention then a one-sentence answer. Yet, the content I’ve seen in the space is lacking at best and  misleading at worst….dangerous even.

50 pound weighted blanket – do you need one?

Some of the blankets weight as much as 50 pounds but not all are good and, more importantly, safe.

Bottom line – we’ll go beyond size and weight. In the October update, we’re looking for a good balance between size, weight, and quality. One significant change is the price factor – we added some more gravity to it, so you’ll see a few more budget blankets among the top picks.

Why? Because over the years of testing, we’ve stumbled upon blankets that would be a waste of money (at best).

I’ll take a second to explain the context and let Andy (the guy in the video) guide you through the page.

gravity blanket - voted in the top 10 best weighted blankets for adults

Last updated: October 2025

Three questions that people often overlook:

  1. What’s the heaviest blanket that’s safe for me?
  2. Which of the big and extra heavy ones is also good in other ways?
  3. Which of those is good value for money?

We’ll to answer all that on this page – concisely and directly (and back it up with data). (and yes, we did find some nice 50-lbs blankets to look into).

Who am I to talk weighted blankets?

My name is Bob Ozment and I’ve been testing and researching sleep products for a living for a decade now. Before that, I was a Quality Assurance Managers with one of the bigger names in the sleep industry.

I’d to welcome you to our guide on top blankets in the following two categories of weighted blankets:

  1. Heaviest – this includes information on how to know if it’s too heavy for you.
  2. Biggest this section includes information that go beyond size – it’s actually a guide on big weighted blankets that are also good.

If looking for one of those two is what brought you here, rest assured, this is absolutely THE place to be.

This update brings a few news, so let’s dive right in.

What to look for – let Andy help

List of heaviest and biggest weighted blankets –  last updated: 2025

Note about this update: We added one rating category that reflects weight, size and the ratio between the two. So, we now have 6 quality categories.

Why trust our recommendations?

Because we do things differently compared to the average stuff you can read online.

The trust should come as a combo of the following factors:

  1. First-hand experiences with the blankets (our own and that of our testers)
  2. Not accepting free products
  3. Consulting actual experts in the field (3 of them to be exact)
  4. The constant updates that ensure the inrormation you see is fresh
  5. The depth of the rating and analysis
  6. Simple presentation – we boil the results down to a few numbers

This is what I mean by “depth”

Our list and ratings are fruit of over 6,200 work hours, and 24 months of testing and statistical analysis of 77 products.

Since the choice of a weighted blanket highly depends on the issue you’re trying to address; it’s the user satisfaction that had the most impact on the final overall rating.

Beyond biggest and heaviest

Besides the weight and the size, which are kinda obvious, we rated the blankets in a few objective categories like fiber & filling quality, craftsmanship & shape retention, but the most important quality aspect are the sensory qualities.

Of course, beyond the size and weight in this particular case. Those changes were reflected in this update with new tesst categories, like weight per square inch – subjective and objective.

The subjective rating is based on the impression of 32 people we polled – 9 of them in the 2025 update.

What’s new in the January 2025 Update

  • More blankets tests: Added 3 heavy blankets that we tested over the last 4 months, including new 50-pound options.
  • Safety Tips: Included advice on picking the right weight for your body to stay safe and comfortable.
  • More Reviews: Collected feedback from real users and talked to experts to improve our recommendations.
  • Budget Picks: Highlighted affordable blankets that don’t sacrifice quality or comfort.

Heaviest Weighted Blanket – HomeSmart 50 lbs

Homesmart extra-heavy is the heaviest weighted blanket that still ticks all other quality boxes.

It’s not the only one available at 50 lbs, but the pressure per square inch is higher than any in our evidence – a high 0.097 oz per square inch.

There’s only one other blanket in our evidence that’s even close to that. It also comes from Homesmart and we calculated the “pressure” to 0.087 ounces per inch square.

What this means for you?

It means you not only get the highest absolute weight, but the highest pressure.

Soft and extra heavy weighted blanket

It’s not only the heaviest weight blanket, but amazingly soft, too – courtesy of the 400 thread count.

calmforter premium weighted blanket
calmforter premium weighted blanket
  • User satisfaction 93% 93%
  • Sensory impact 94% 94%
  • Positive sleep impact 92% 92%
  • Materials quality & craftmanship 94% 94%
  • Value for money 93% 93%
  • Weight to size ratio options 92% 92%

Biggest Weighted Blanket – the Omystyle

Omystyle is the the biggest weighted blanket that still consistely ranks high in other catgeories.

The King version measures 88 x 104 inches, which is a whopping 9152 square inches.

What’s better about it?

There are a few blankets that are as big but the Omystyle is our pick for reasons beyond size.

One of the main ones is the range of weights you can choose from in the King version of the blanket. This means you can enjoy the biggest weighted blanket available, and still adjust the weight to your body size.

That’s a biggie!

(pun kinda intended)

Other than that, the Omysyle has been consistenly scoring high number in all categories that matter.

The bottom line – it’s a giant blanket that’s also good.

calmforter premium weighted blanket
calmforter premium weighted blanket
  • User satisfaction 92% 92%
  • Sensory impact 93% 93%
  • Positive sleep impact 92% 92%
  • Materials quality & craftmanship 95% 95%
  • Value for money 92% 92%
  • Weight to size ratio options 93% 93%

To maintain complete objectivity, we decided not to accept any free products and bought the blankets we tested at retail (like anyone would).

Also, to keep the information relevant, this guide is updated quarterly to include any new data available. With all that said, let us get straight to the results.

Related read: you can see our complete guide on warmest blankets here.

What changed in this update?

We update this guide monthly. In this update, we added 3 potential picks and analyzed them – two of them are in the 50-pound weighted blanket category.Along with the rest of the year thata total of 29. We also looked into a few reports of quality issues with the existing picks.

The goal is always to keep this page fresh and relevant and offer first hand experiences. You know…actually test the blankets and talk to people using them.

In other words, go beyond and tell you how heavy the blankets would feel.

What’s “cooking?”

On the backside, we’re working on some advanced tests, stats and ways to measure weight and impact of the weighted blankets’ size.

We already have the data but the challenge is how to translate it into simple, actionable information. We expect tpo have the new system up and running by the end of the year .

It will bring a host of new information and factors related to mass and volume of weghted blankets. These new factors will fine tune the current system of rating the weight of the blankets and how that translates to quality and soothing properties.

Some of these new factors include size. The final equation will be a fine-tuned and balanced take on analyzed tehe eight and size of the blankets. We’re excited to get it going.

Because that is a crucial job with everything we do – simplification.

Here’s an example – when speaking about warmth, we’d like to move away from TOGs and thermal resistance classes and use everyday language that’s still packing valuable information.

We’re working with some top industry minds to advance the current models of rating how heavy a weighted blanket is…models that go way beyond the numbers listed in the spec sheet.

It’s an uphill battle but we’re on our way. In the meantime, we already have a system that goes beyond weight and.

What it means for you?

It means that this the top information source on this topic on the whole internet and, even if you don’t find the right blanket for you, it would be wise too bookmark this for future reference.

50 pound weighted blanket

(If it makes sense for you…and our top 50-lbs blanket pick)

We keep getting back to the point of choosing the weight correctly. And it makes sense because a 50-lb weighted blanket won’t be everyone’s cup of tea.

Why am I stressing it separately?

Because we get at least 2-3 emails every month asking about this specifically. So it’s probably helpful to address it here.

The high weight only makese sense with the bigger blankets, like King.

Our pick in the 50-lb category is the HomeSmart blanket, click here to skip back to it.

 Honorary mentions – other great blankets (not as big or heavy but good overall)

& quick links
home smart blanket - 50 lbs
Home Smart

‣ Filling: poly-pellets
‣ Sizes available: Twin, Full, Queen King
‣ Weight: 15 – 50 lbs
‣ Color choices: 6

Click here to skip to all ratings
Magic Sensory

‣ Filling: poly-pellets
‣ Size: 11 sizes to
choose from
‣ Weights: 4 to 24 lbs
‣ Color choices: 5

Click here to skip to all ratings
harkla sensory throw
Harkla Cotton-poly

‣ Filling: poly-pellets
‣ Size: 6 sizes available
‣ Weights: 5 to 20 lbs
‣ Color choices: 3

Click here to skip to all ratings
zonli plastic pellets filled blanket
Zonli Cotton

‣ Filling: poly-pellets
‣ Size: 6 sizes available
‣ Weights: 15, 17 and 20 lbs
‣ Color choices: 5

Click here to skip to all ratings
rocabi blanket
The Rocabi

‣ Filling: poly-pellets
‣ Size: 60 x 80 “
‣ Weights: 15, 20 and 25 lbs
‣ Color choices: 1

Click here to skip to all ratings

Top pick and an honoray mention – Home Smart (winner) among heavy and big weighted blankets

(and the CALMFORTER as an honorary mention)

What’s different about the Calmforter?

Update: We’re including a heftier alternative to the Calmforter here for three reasons:

  1. We found a cheaper alternatiev from Home Smart that ticks all the same boxes.
  2. It seems that the Calmforter is not being made anymore.
  3. Home Smart offers more weight and sizing options.

Since we put together the first results and ratings, the Home Smart weighted blankets stood out along with a few products in each monthly update.

This was only a few months into testing and gathering data for the user satisfaction category.

As the sample of data processed grew, the gap in user satisfaction rating grew, and a few products obviously stood out, with the “50 pounder” reaching an unexpected rating of 96/100 in owner satisfaction. That’s much better performance than we’ve seen for the Calmforter.

Heavier without the added cost

The interesting thing is that, when we did see it, it was with products that were significantly more expensive, which is not the case here.

calmforter premium weighted blanket
heaviest 50 lbs weighted blanket home smart
  • User satisfaction 96% 96%
  • Weight and size choices 97% 97%
  • Sensory impact 96% 96%
  • Positive sleep impact 94% 94%
  • Materials quality & craftmanship 94% 94%
  • Value for money 94% 94%

We’d like to stress 3 things as the bottom line:

1. Home Smart outranked some significantly more expensive products

2 . The statistical analysis of price vs. satisfaction brings is what gave this product a high rating in the “value for money” category, in spite of the fact that it is slightly more expensive that its closest competitors.

3. It is one of the most popular products in the niche with hundreds of review from users on Amazon.


On the subjective side, what we liked the most about these blankets is the non-therapeutic look and vivid color combos – from earthy creams, browns and grays to vivid green, blue and purple.


We can’t think of a space where at least one of these won’t work.


Read more:


button read more here

2nd best weighted blanket for adults – The Magic sensory

Who will choose the Magic blanket?

magic weighted sensory blanket gray
  • User satisfaction 95% 95%
  • Sensory impact 96% 96%
  • Positive sleep impact 92% 92%
  • Materials quality & craftmanship 94% 94%
  • Value for money 90% 90%

Read more:

button read more here

Harkla sensory blanket for Anxiety, ADHD & Autism

Who will choose the Harkla?

harkla blanket color choices
weight choices illustration
  • User satisfaction 93% 93%
  • Sensory impact 94% 94%
  • Positive sleep impact 91% 91%
  • Materials quality & craftmanship 94% 94%
  • Value for money 95% 95%

Read more:

button read more here

ZonLi Cotton weighted sensory blanket

Who is Zonli a good choice for?

zonli sensory blanket for adhd
  • User satisfaction 96% 96%
  • Sensory impact 93% 93%
  • Positive sleep impact 90% 90%
  • Materials quality & craftmanship 91% 91%
  • Value for money 91% 91%

Read more:

button read more here

Rocabi Luxury

zonli sensory blanket for adhd
  • User satisfaction 97% 97%
  • Sensory impact 96% 96%
  • Positive sleep impact 92% 92%
  • Materials quality & craftmanship 93% 93%
  • Value for money 90% 90%

Inyard Premium (for teens and “smaller” adults)

With a user satisfaction of 93 % at the time of completing the last update of this guide, an honorary mention comes from Inyard – a company that’s famous for making specialized Therapy swings.

The product is primarily aimed at teens and “smaller “adults, with the sizes and weights (5, 7 and 15 lbs).

The Inyard is top-to-bottom made in the US, both the craftsmanship and materials quality are top-tier. If this reads like advertising, it’s not; it’s simply facts.

But we have to say that we liked the Inyard so much that it’s the only weighted blankets for teens we’re including here.

The initial concept of the guide was to pinpoint the top products for adults. The fact that we deviated from that “rule” to mention Inyard speaks for itself.

inyard weighted blanket for teens and adults
inyard weighted blanket for teens and adults

Read more:

button read more here

So, this month’s update brings slights change in ratings. However, the ranking of the top gravity blankets did not “budge” still. We continue to monitor and collect data and update our ratings accordingly.

An important upcoming update to the guide on heaviest weighted blankets

One “series” of products we are currently working on are products from companies like Mosaic.

Mosaic is one of the bigger players in the industry and, based on what we’ve seen so far, shows promise that at least one of their products will find a way to to the top of the list of heaviest and biggest.

We still have a long way to go with this update (at least a month or two), but it does seem that some of the newly rated products will find their way into the Top 5.

Also, we are currently working on improving our rating system to make the stats more sophisticated and sensitive to any change in quality. It’s our hope that that new and improved methodology will improve the precision.

Changes in the way we compare the blankets

Not much really, we’re simply looking into some new arrivals which are yet to meet the minimal requirement in terms of data volume we need (more on that in a second).

For those of you who are familiar with our website or a regular reader, you’ll notice that this month’s update brings only slight changes in ratings and no change in the order of Top 5.

As we mentioned, we did tweaking our reviewing and rating process a bit to adjust to new arrivals. We used to have a stricter “maturity” policy – meaning that we only included products with a certain numbers of experinces shared (typically it was 100). We brought that down a peg to rate the new arrivals faster.

We just took a moment here to explain the important parts of our updates and reviewing policy to help you understand what the bases are for the above ratings.

Heaviest weighted blankets – r eference info & FAQs

How heavy should a weighted blanket be?

A weighted blanket should weigh about 10 % of your body weight plus 1-2 lbs.

This is the formula commonly used for kids and teens. For adults, this means that the weight goes as high as 25-40 lbs (Queen or King size designed for heavier people). Our research also shows that the weight adults found to be “just right” largely depends on the sensory condition.

The heaviest weight blankets on our list go up to 50 lbs, which is a bit extreme and only a good fit for select few.

That’s why we focused on choosing products that offer versatility.

Two rules we had in mind when choosing:

  1. If you want the biggest, it doesn’t have to be the heaviest.
  2. If you want the heaviest weighted blanket, it doesn’t have to be the biggest.

The final choice of the blanket you use should always be a combo of the advice you get from your therapist, and your preference, the information we provide here are for educational purposes and reference.

You can get a good sense of how the blanket will feel in term of weight by simply gathering the blankets you have laying around and pilling them on. If you try this, ignore the feeling of the heat and focus on how the weight feels. The actual product will not be as warm; it should offer the calming effect of the added weight without heating you up too much and, in some cases, even cool you down.

Choosing a cover

If you happen to own a blanket and for some reason you got one without a cover or it worn out and you need a new one, you’ll need the know-how of choosing a new one.

Initially, we though about discussing that here, but as we developed the guide, it became obvious it deserves an analysis of its own. So, you can see our guide on dedicated duvet covers here.


Sizes range from smaller (dedicated sizes) to Queen and King weighted blankets.

When we say “Queen” and “King” we’re referring to sizes that are large enough for those bed sizes, not the size chart for blankets. Here’s what we mean by that – a classic Queen size blanket would be 96 x 108 “, none of these are that big – the largest one we found is Ynm King size, which is 80 x 87”.

The size is another important factor because the bigger the blanket, the more of it will be on the surface not directly pressing your body. For example, a 60 x 80″ size will press you more than 80 x 78 ” (of the same weight). It is common sense and pretty straightforward, but we found it to be a commonly overlooked aspect.

What is a weighted blanket?

Weighted blankets are products designed to offer relief to people with anxiety, sleep and sensory response problems. Initially they were designed as the therapeutic but have outgrown the concept and entered the mainstream of sleep aids.

Why do they work?

They work because they calm down the “fight or flight” response, lower the cortisol levels and increase mood and sleep hormones like serotonin and melatonin.

Scientifically speaking

They can soothe the part of our nervous system that we can’t control (Autonomic).

Two parts of the Autonomic system are Sympathetic and Parasympathetic – the former is “responsible” for feeling anxious because its role is to prepare us for physical activity and the latter does the opposite – calms you down and prepares you to sleep or rest.

More on the differences between the two here.

Through Deep Pressure Stimulation, a good weighted blanket can calm the Sympathetic system down and switch to Parasympathetic responses.

If you’re a Friends fan and remember Chandler’s line, “It’s like a giant hug,” that probably explains it better than any scientific lingo.

In the context of this guide, many of these benefits come down to size and weight of the blanket vs. that of the sleeper.

Do they work for sleep and insomnia?

There is significant evidence in studies that weighted blankets do work for sleep disorders and insomnia.

A study conducted by the Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology of the Gothenburg University and the Clinical and Experimental Medicine Department of the Linkoping University showed that a weighted blanket has a measurable positive impact in people with insomnia.

You can see the full findings of the study reported here by the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders.

The concept as we know it today can be traced back to Dr. Temple Grandin and her invention of the “squeeze machine”. She published the findings based on a decade of research in 1992 – you can see the full paper here.

Where can I buy a weighted blanket?

In our research for this guide, we had numerous sources we looked at. It’s our opinion that (for the ones that available on the site) getting a weighted blanket on Amazon has a few advantages. The main one is that you can read the reviews users shared and look for the ones that closely match your circumstances or condition.

For some of the brands (like Brookstone) were not available on Amazon. In the case of Brookstone, you could get one through their website or at Bed Bath and Beyond.

Some brands can be found both on Amazon and at Bed Bath and Beyond. In our research, we were left with the impression that the main benefit of getting one through Amazon is the wider range of the products offered as well as more user reviews shared.

Specific materials

All of the best weighted blankets (including our top 5) come with recommendations on how to wash the product. So, the following analysis is included more for reference purposes than anything else, to help you in the initial process of choosing and if you to make a diy blanket and have dilemmas about the materials.


Fleece is a sensitive material, but we feel that there is misconception about washing it. The changes in texture and shape are, more often than not, a result of aggressive detergents or washing cycles.

To prevent fleece losing its “fluffy” quality, you’ll want to wash in using warm (not hot) cycles on your washing machine and go with low-heat drying cycles. It’s a good idea to rinse it twice before drying it. This will remove any remaining detergent that might change the texture in the long run.

Finally, fleece is one of the few materials used that handles softeners well in the long run without loosing shape.


If the weighted blanket is all-cotton (both the backing and finish), you have a bit more leeway when washing it.

The important part when washing cotton blanket is what we like to call “load control.” It comes down to not overburdening your washing machine and washing it separately.

The reason is two-fold – it’s gentler to the washing machine and the tear and wear of the blanket are lower.


Flannel is sub-type of cotton. Proper maintenance comes down to a few main rules:

  • no hot cycles (wash it with warm or cold water)
  • don’t over-dry it (as soon as the drying cycle is finished, remove the blanket)
  • rinse twice to maintain the softness
Rayon and linen

Some of the best weighted blankets are made using a combo of rayon and linen because it has superb shape retention properties while remaining “on the soft side.” These fabrics include cellulose which doesn’t respond well to bleaching. You might not see it when washing, but in the long run, it will affect the lifespan of the fibers.

A brief history

The products that we mention in this guide and label as best weighted blankets in their respective categories are significantly different from the product that kick-started the industry, both in design, materials used and a range of people they’re intended for.

The origins go back to the sensory disorders. Psychiatrists experimented with weight as means of calming down the sensory response for far too long and pinpointing one person as the inventor is not straightforward.

Initially, the experiments were just about adding weight. The approach proved to have a “red line” because, at higher weights, the response has a negative in fact, it can exacerbate the sensory response and make the person even more anxious because they feel trapped.

The discovery that caused the most significant shift in the industry and led to the designs we know today is the even weight distribution. That’s when people stopped experimenting with (what now seems an obviously counterproductive practice) of attaching actual weights to the edges of blankets.

Initial issues

Even the first modern designs had a similar issue because they relied on a one-chamber filling. This filling would move through the blanket and end up in the corners with prolonged use. The corners and edges would then become too heavy causing the blanket to slide or the used to feel trapped.

The evolution – DIY weighted blankets in the autism community

First attempts of addressing the issue were nothing to write home about because they relied on simply filling the blankets and pads with more of the same filling or adding other stuffing that was supposed to stop the beads from moving. It didn’t work as expected – it only made the blankets bigger and more cumbersome.

Here, we’re still talking about the DIY sensory blankets, hand-made for kids and adults with special needs. There was still no standard for the filling and people used whatever provided a similar effect (from rice and corn to pebbles). None of these were a lasting solution – the seeds can sprout and cause issues ranging from the change in the way the blanket feels to allergic reactions while the pebbles proved to be too rugged and would wear down the materials of the cloth.

Chambered (quilted) design

It was only when chambered designed and tight stitches that hold the beads in place was introduced that things changed. It seems like an obvious change, but it took years to get there.

The sectional designs pair the calming effects of weight with deep sensory pressure. We could get into the nitty-gritty of the science here but, for the purposes of this guide, it’s enough to explain as even weight distribution.

What the future holds

We don’t see any revolutionary changes happening in the designs anytime soon.

We do expect a more diverse market in terms of pellet and bead size. This would allow further personalization of the calming effect.

History and predictions aside, let us get back to where we are today and answer some of the frequently asked questions about weighted blankets.

Modern designs & cooling materials

What we know as a weighted blanket today combined the sectional design (usually quilted squares) with poly-pellets and glass beads. Both are spherical, and the main difference is the density of the materials.

As we mentioned in one of the reviews, poly-pellets make for a more “aerated” feel while the fine glass, sand-like spheres make for thinner blankets. This also means that, with other things equal, the bigger ones will perfom better at dissipating heat.

For example,  15 lbs doesn’t feel the same if distributed over a 60 x 80 and 48 x 72 inches, the former will feel cooler.

Lastly, some of the modern materials have cooling properties (like natural bamboo viscose) so that the added weight doesn’t feel hot – a good example of that is the YnM Cooling – you can see it on Amazon here.


In case you are the kind of buyer that likes to understand all about the product they’re buying of you want to make a DIY weighted blanket, you might want to know what kind of filling is most commonly used.

Poly pellets

No. 1 filling are poly-pellets. When we say “no.1,” we’re primarily referring to how frequent the filling is used in the best weighted blankets we reviewed.

The poly-pellets are made from non-recycled, toxin-free pieces and look like round bits. The texture resembles that of a small pebble. If this is one of your concerns and you want something that feels more uniform, you’ll probably prefer glass beads of sand filling.

Glass beads

The glass-bead filling sounds different than it is. If you didn’t know it was glass-based, you’d have the impression that it’s sand. In fact, some of the glass beads feel even finer than the finest sand.

Because the weight is distributed more evenly and less likely to move to the corners of the blanket or cover, we’ve seen people reporting that the subjective feeling of glass-bead or sand filling “feels” like it has more weight that one filled with plastic pellets.

Volume of the filling

You’ll probably need about two times as much (in terms of volume) of plastic pellets than glass beads to fill a “pocket” of the same weight.

This means that the plastic filling will feel more “rackety” and uneven and will be thicker, while glass or sand makes for a thinner weighted blanket.

In our experience, we’ve seen that people preferred the “aerated” feel of the poly to sand or glass and most of our top have this type of feeling. The exception is the category of a king size weighted blanket, for a few reasons.

We found the glass filling to be superior in larger sizes.

Besides the most important factor (the user satisfaction) we found that some products have too big of a surface to keep the filling in place. As a result, most of the products in “King size” we looked at had the issue of too much movement inside the quilting.

Gravity blanket review

After the launch through Kickstarter, Gravity blanket became one of the most popular brands.

It’s so popular, in fact, that there’s even a confusion in the terminology and we’ve seen many people confusing the name of the brand with the product (weighted blanket).

  • Weight (sizes) available: 25, 20 and 15 lbs
  • Technology: Gravity calls it “Deep Touch Pressure Stimulation.”
  • Inner material: cotton
  • Filling: premium grade, toxin-free
  • Outer finish: Micro-fleece, super-soft

At the time of the last update to the Gravity blanket review, there wasn’t enough data for us to rate it. We hope we’ll get there by the next update.

Queen size weighted blanket for adults

With Queen sized linen being more popular (than King), the choices you have in the size are similar to our top overall picks. We already mentioned that the sizes we’re talking about here – not actual Queen or King (according to blanket sizing standards those would be 96 x 108 and 108 x 108 inches respectively) but those closest.

ZonLi is the 4th highest rated product overall and out top pick in this size category. It’s 60″ wide, 80″ long and weighs 20 pounds. The pellets are standard (poly) and are packed inside a cotton “chambers” (square quilt stitching). It comes in 4 colors: Black, Navy Blue, Dark Gray and Brown – you can skip back to its analysis by clicking here.

With Queen sized linen being more popular (thank King), the choices you have in the size are similar to our top overall picks.

ZonLi is the 4th highest rated overall and out top pick in this size category. The size closest to Queen is 60″ wide, 80″ long and weighs 20 pounds. The pellets are standard (poly) and are packed inside a cotton “chambers” (square quilt stitching). It comes in 4 colors: Black, Navy Blue, Dark Gray and Brown  – you can skip back to it’s analysis by clicking here.

Product closest in size to a King size weighted blanket with the highest satisfaction ratings (84/100) comes from YnM. It measures 80 x 87 inches and weighs 25 pounds.

The filling is sand pellets while the finish is 100 cotton. It comes in a range of colors and patterns but the “issue” we’ve seen here is that not all of them are available in the largest size.

King weighted blankets are scarce and cost a peg more, which is to be expected, especially of this quality. They’re made for adults, and that’s one of the reasons the YnM in King size is not available in all colors and patterns (because some of the patterns are playful, colorful and obviously intended for kids).

The sand pellets used are certified to be free of any odor and completely non-toxic.

Lap pads

Besides the standard sizes used for sleeping, the product is also available in specialized sizes, like lap pads for adults and kids. We found the former to be scarce and only a few high-quality products in this size category had a satisfaction rating if over 80% in user reviews.

Initially, the analysis was published here, but after receiving questions on this class of products only, we decided to publish a separate guide in this update – you can read more about weighted lap pads here.

Here, we’re only showing the details of one of our choices – Sensory Goods.

weighted lap pad

Sizes and weights available:

  • Small: 12 x 16 inches (3 pounds)
  • Medium: 14.5 x 19.5 ” (5 pounds)
  • Large: 17 x 23 inches (7 pounds)
  • Materials used: fleece and flannel
  • User satisfaction rating: 93 %

It’s available in 7 neutral colors with no patterns (green, blue, burgundy, pink, navy, tan & denim). The sizing, weight and colors make it an option for adults and kids both.

An issue that we’ve seen with other similar products is uneven weight distribution of the filling (usually glass/sand beads). They tend to shift and move around if the stitching of the parts is not deep or tight enough.

The filling in thisis deep and tight, and the beads can only move within their “section” and not throughout.

Updates of the guide on best weighted blankets for adults

Our standard update schedule is monthly for the parts of the ratings that are data-driven (like the satisfaction ratings and user reviews). You can always see when this guide was last updated under the table of TOP 5 ( click the orange button below to skip back).

Finally, we encourage you to ask any question that comes to mind in the comments below. We respond within 24-48 hours, but since we consulted 3rd party experts for this guide, it might take us up to 3 days  to answer some questions. In other words, if we don’t know the answer, we’ll let you know, find out and get back to you.

Sleep well and stay calm,

The Sleep Studies review team


  • Bob Ozment

    Bob has been testing and writing about all things sleep (and especially blankets, air mattresses and folding beds), for 8+ years now. before that, he worked as a Quality Assurance Manager with one of the bigger names in the sleep industry. He holds a masters degree Statistics, Actuarial & Data Sciences from the central Michigan University at Mount Pleasant. He's one of the people who designs our producing testing and statistical models. He’s a stomach sleeper, but nobody’s perfect.