Sleep Wellness


What Color Light Is Good for Sleep

What Color Light Is Good for Sleep

Do you have trouble falling asleep? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t go back to sleep? Do you often feel tired during the day? Is it bad to sleep with a nightlight on? If the answer is yes, then you might have a love-hate relationship with the...

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Is It Bad to Sleep With Wet Hair?

Is It Bad to Sleep With Wet Hair?

One of the most common questions when it comes to the connnection between sleep and the health of your hair is whether it’s bad to sleep with wet hair. In the guide below we address the issue from a few different angles, since the answers are not simple. We'll also do...

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  • Bob Ozment

    Bob has been testing and writing about all things sleep (and especially blankets, air mattresses and folding beds), for 8+ years now. before that, he worked as a Quality Assurance Manager with one of the bigger names in the sleep industry. He holds a masters degree Statistics, Actuarial & Data Sciences from the central Michigan University at Mount Pleasant. He's one of the people who designs our producing testing and statistical models. He’s a stomach sleeper, but nobody’s perfect.